My Favorite Gardening Things

 Atlas Nitrile Gardening Gloves.
I have had tons of garden gloves but these are my absloute favorite.  The Atlas Nitrile gloves  protect my hands and I can still feel everything.  I can pick up seeds and feel the difference the between stems of weeds.  I can even use my iPhone touch pad!

Neem Oil Extract
United Industries Corp HG93179 16 oz Conc Neem OilConcerned about safety and remaining organic, we use Neem Oil in our garden to control pests and blight. This product is easy to use and effective against most garden issues.

Garden Hat 
Insect Shield 442ZDB Wide Brim Hat, Dark Brown   My sloggers hat is comfy and cool.  The stretchy band inside holds it on my head so I tuck the strings inside the hat.  The 50+ sunscreen protection keeps my sensitive head protected.  The wide brim shades my face and neck.  It even comes with built in insect repellant.  Perfect!

Garden Shoes

I found these garden shoes at our Drug Emporium along with the hat shown above.  I wanted something I could wear with or without socks and would be comfortable and easy to slip on and off.  BINGO!  These fit the bill.  The whimsical colors caught my eye but the comfort sold me.

Garden Seat/ Kneeler

Step2 5A0100 Garden Kneeler

This garden seat works perfectly for me.  It is lightweight but stable.  Low enough for me to plant or weed but no so low as to make it hard to get up and down.  If you flip it over there is a padded underside for kneeling.